Cabramatta West Public School

Work Together. Learn Together.

Telephone02 9724 3332

Bell times

To ensure your child has a valuable learning experience, it is expected that students arrive to school on time. Late comers, on arrival, are expected to go to the office to get a late to take to their class teacher.

School routine:

  • 8:55am: school starts
  • 9:00 — 11:00am: morning session
  • 11:00 — 11:10am: eating time
  • 11:10  — 11:50am: play time
  • 11:50 — 12:40pm: middle session
  • 12:40pm — 2:00pm: recess
  • 2:00 — 2:55pm: afternoon session
  • 2:55pm: home time.

Supervision of children

Teacher supervision of children begins at 8:25am. Children need not be at school before then. Please observe all safety signs and park your car legally where children and yourself can use the pedestrian crossings.

Home time

Children are dismissed from their classrooms at 2:55pm. If you are unavoidably detained and cannot pick up children, please contact the school to ensure children do not become distressed.

If you need to collect children before 2:55pm, please approach the office and complete the appropriate paperwork.

These routines are for the children's safety. Please inform your child where you will meet them and try to anticipate extreme weather by nominating a meeting place in event of a storm.